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18 Suðurlandsbraut
Reykjavík, ,

Altus lögmönnum búa yfir áratuga reynslu af lögmannsstörfum og geta boðið sérhæfða þjónustu á vel flestum réttarsviðum til fyrirtækja, stofnana, sveitarfélaga og einstaklinga. 


Altus lögmenn veita fyrirtækjum og einstaklingum alhliða þjónustu á flestum réttarsviðum og erlenda ráðgjöf þar sem lögð er áhersla á persónulega þjónustu við viðskiptavininn. Þeir fylgja málum eftir á öllum dómstigum og standa  þannig vörð um hagsmuni skjólstæðinga sinna allt frá upphafi.


ALTUS Attorneys

Behind Altus attorneys stand the supreme court attorneys Jon Ogmundsson and Anton Bjorn Markusson. Combined they have decades of experience in law practise and can offer a specialised service in most areas of law to corporations, public institutions, local communities and individuals. Both can lead court cases from the start to finish in the court system before district court, court of first appeal (landsrétt) and before the Supreme Court of Iceland, in such a manner that a complete continuity is in pursuing the interests of our clients.  


Anton B. Markússon hrl.

Litigation is the specialty of Anton and he has as a litigator attended to the legal interests of individuals, corporations, local communities and public institutions before all general courts spanning most areas of practice. Anton has argued dozens of cases before the Supreme Court of Iceland and argued a case before the Labour Court and the EFTA Court.



Jón Ögmundsson hrl., JD

Jon has specialized in international business and commercial transactions and advise for corporations with cross boarder interests. He has worked for companies and individuals globally and specialized in commercial transactions, IP law, immigrations services for foreign companies and with emphasis on maritime and loan documentation matters.